#How to highlight text java pdf
You can easily see PDF co-ordinates displayed in the Java PDF viewer. Please note: PDF co-ordinates, which treat the bottom left of the page at origin (0,0) are used and not Java co-ordinates (where the origin is top left). It will clear all the highlights that have been added. TextLines.clearHighlights() This method does exactly what the method name says. When areaSelect is true it will treat the coordinates as areas to highlight without modification. When areaSelect is false the coordinates are treated as a start point and endpoint and will attempt to highlight the text in the same manner as a mouse drag. The boolean controls how the coordinates are used. This method accepts a page value and an array of arrays which contains a series of 4 value arrays defining areas on the page to highlight.
TextLines.addHighlights(int highlights, boolean areaSelect, int page) However the ones you will most likely require addHighlights and clearHighlights. Compare two text files to identify and highlight changes. Add the second file using the add method. Steps are exactly the same as comparing any other two documents: Start with passing the text file to the Comparer class.
#How to highlight text java code
You will notice from the link above that there are several methods that will interact with highlights and highlight-able areas. Below is the similar code for comparing two text files in Java. Add it all to a mouse listener and you have a clean solution. Put it all together, you get the mark of the caret, get the line you're on, get the start and end offsets, then select between that. The text of a PDF can be highlighted using the methods found in TextLines which can be accessed via PdfDecoderInt.getTextLines(). Next, there's lect (start,end) that will select all the text between the start and end offsets you give it. You can control the highlight colour or inversion using JPedalSettings.TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR and JPedalSettings.INVERT_HIGHLIGHT which are detailed in the JPedalSettings JavaDoc.
Either a semi-transparent coloured shaped is layered over the text or the colours of the highlighted area are inverted. The highlighting of text is displayed in one of two ways. This highlighting can be very useful for features such as searching or marking text. The JPedal Viewer has several methods to allow you to highlight text on the page.